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Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/15/0482/2

Site AddressLand at Melton Road Rearsby Leicestershire 


  • Application NumberP/15/0482/2
  • Site AddressLand at Melton Road Rearsby Leicestershire
  • Property AddressStreet Record, Melton Road, Rearsby, Leicestershire

Reasons 2

-The location does not offer a sustainable location for new housing growth when the Borough is considered as a whole. As a result the development does not comply with the most recent expression of sustainable growth as set out in the Core Strategy. - The proposal would have an adverse impact on the landscape character of the area, including the area of local separation between Rearsby and East Goscote, an adverse impact on Rearsby conservation area and it would give rise to localised visual harm. - The proposal does not make effective use of brownfield land and would result in the loss of good quality agricultural land. - The local primary school could not cope or be realistically expanded to cope with the additional demand for places that the development would generate and as a result primary school aged children from the village would have to be schooled outside the catchment area. This would not give rise to a strong social role. - The traffic calming package which has been identified as necessary to reduce traffic speeds in the vicinity of the access could not be implemented in full due to other constraints and for this reason there are serious concerns regarding highway safety - The policing infrastructure in the area would not be able to support the increase in demand that the development would give rise to. For this reason the proposal is contrary to the NPPF and in particular the aims of paragraphs 7, 8, 14, 17, 54, 55 and 112, policies CS1, CS11, CS14, CS25 and CS26 of the Emerging Core Strategy and saved policies ST/3, EV/1, H/16, CT/1, CT/2, CT/7 and TR/6 of the Borough of Charnwood Local Plan.

Reasons 1

Whilst it is acknowledged that the Council is not currently able to demonstrate the availability of a five year supply of housing land and that there is a presumption in favour of sustainable development, the cumulative adverse impacts of the development are considered to outweigh the benefits of the additional housing. As a result the development is not considered to be sustainable. The cumulative adverse impact of the proposal is considered to be significant and demonstrable and comprises the following individual elements:

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/15/0482/2