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Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/15/0352/2

Site AddressLand at 84 New Zealand Lane Queniborough Leicestershire LE7 3FT 


  • Application NumberP/15/0352/2
  • Site AddressLand at 84 New Zealand Lane Queniborough Leicestershire LE7 3FT
  • Property Address84 New Zealand Lane, Queniborough, Leicestershire, LE7 3FT

Reasons 1

Whilst it is acknowledged that the Council is not currently able to demonstrate the availability of a five year supply of housing land and there is a presumption in favour of sustainable development, the cumulative detrimental impacts of the development are considered to outweigh the benefits secured by the additional supply of housing. It is considered that the application fails to demonstrate the development is sustainable for the following significant and demonstrable reasons: 1 Queniborough is not identified as a service or rural centre in the Council’s ‘Developing a Settlement Hierarchy’ document. This document informed the Council’s emerging Core Strategy, where Policy CS1 identifies the village as an ‘other settlement’, where small scale infill development may be suitable to meet local needs. Whilst the proposal is considered small-scale the local planning authority is not satisfied that the proposed development is essential to meet an identified local need. 2. Notwithstanding that Queniborough has a range of services and facilities, these are very limited, and, in addition, the particular location of the site means that it is relatively remote from those facilities and those elsewhere, and it is therefore considered that this would result in low levels of transport choice and reliance on the private motor car by the occupiers of the proposed dwellings 3. The proposed development would be likely to result in buildings of unacceptable prominence, size and bulk, that would create a hard edge to the edge of the settlement boundary, out of keeping with the pattern of existing built development on Brick Kiln Lane, to the detriment of visual amenity. In addition, the vehicular use of the access drive serving the development and its close proximity to the dwelling known as No.84 New Zealand Lane, Queniborough, would be likely to cause excessive noise, disturbance and vibrations to the occupiers of that property to the severe detriment of residential amenity

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/15/0352/2