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Planning Services
Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/23/0154/2

Site Address24 Walker Road Birstall Leicestershire LE4 3BN 


  • Application NumberP/23/0154/2
  • Site Address24 Walker Road Birstall Leicestershire LE4 3BN
  • Property Address24 Walker Road, Birstall, Leicestershire, LE4 3BN

Reasons 1

The local planning authority considers that, due to the proposed scale and dominance of the proposed dormer roof extension over the existing and surrounding dwellings, the proposal would appear incompatible with the proposed building and would be an intrusive and incongruous feature within the local vicinity, to the detriment of visual amenity. The proposed dormer which includes windows disproportionate in scale to the resultant rear elevation and which would also increase potential overlooking opportunities to adjacent gardens and dwellings. For this reason, the proposal is contrary to saved Policies EV/1 and H/17 of the adopted Borough of Charnwood Local Plan (2004), Policy CS2 of the Charnwood Local Plan (2011-2028) Core Strategy and Policy DS5 of the Draft Charnwood Local Plan (2021-2037) which require that such development respects and enhances the character of the area, is of a design that is compatible with neighbouring buildings, protects residential amenity, is not intrusive or incongruous in the street scene and remains compatible in scale, mass and design with the original building. The proposal is also contrary to advice contained within the Borough Council's adopted Supplementary Planning Document, Design (2020) and the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework.

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/23/0154/2