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Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/23/0122/2

Site Address24 Sedgefield Drive Syston Leicestershire LE7 1YU 


  • Application NumberP/23/0122/2
  • Site Address24 Sedgefield Drive Syston Leicestershire LE7 1YU
  • Property Address24 Sedgefield Drive, Syston, Leicestershire, LE7 1YU

Reasons 2

It is the opinion of the local planning authority that, by reason of its scale and siting in close proximity to the side facing principal kitchen window belonging to the neighbouring property at No.26 Sedgefield Drive, it would be an intrusive and over-dominant feature, to the detriment of the residential amenities of the occupiers of No.26 in terms of loss of light and outlook. For this reason the proposal would also be contrary to the intentions of Policy CS2 of the Charnwood Local Plan 2011-2028 Core Strategy, "saved" Policies EV/1 and H/17 of the Borough of Charnwood Local Plan (2004) and emerging Policy DS5 of the Draft Charnwood Local Plan 2021-2037. This seeks to ensure that extensions to dwellings are compatible in scale and design and that they are not detrimental in terms of overshadowing or overdominance of adjacent properties. In these terms, the proposal is also in conflict with the advice given on the location of extensions in the Borough Council's adopted Design Supplementary Planning Document (2020).

Reasons 1

The Local Planning Authority considers that the provision of an additional third storey and erection of poorly designed dormers to the front and rear roof slopes of the dwelling would not be harmonious or sympathetic in form, mass or scale to the existing dwelling. Furthermore, the proposal would uncceptably imbalance the existing character and apperance of the two semi-detached dwellings of which the application site forms part. The resultant building would appear as an out of character, incongruous and overbearing feature within the street scene, to the detriment of general visual amenity and the character of Sedgefield Drive. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy CS2 of the Charnwood Local Plan 2011-2028 Core Strategy, "saved" Policies EV/1 and H/17 of the Borough of Charnwood Local Plan (2004) and emerging Policy DS5 of the Draft Charnwood Local Plan 2021-2037 which require that such development respects and enhances the character of the area and is of a design that is compatible with the locality and any neighbouring buildings. Similar advice is contained within the Borough Council's adopted Design Supplementary Planning Document (2020). The proposal is also contrary to Paragraph 134 of the NPPF (July 2021) which states that permission should be refused for development of poor design that fails to take the opportunities available for improving the character and quality of an area.

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/23/0122/2