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Planning Services
Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/22/1587/2

Site AddressLand at 7 King Street Sileby Leicestershire LE12 7LZ 


  • Application NumberP/22/1587/2
  • Site AddressLand at 7 King Street Sileby Leicestershire LE12 7LZ
  • Property Address7 King Street, Sileby, Leicestershire, LE12 7LZ

Reasons 2

The gross internal floor area of the 2no dwellings fails to satisfy the minimum standards as set out under the 'Technical housing standards - nationally described space standard' (March 2015), contrary to policy H3 of the emerging Charnwood Local Plan 2021-2037 (to be afforded moderate weight).

Reasons 1

The application as submitted fails to describe the significance of any heritage assets affected nor does it demonstrate the weight afforded to conserve those assets. Moreover, the siting of 2no additional dwellings within the curtilage of no7 King Street and the associated bulk and massing of those dwellings, is considered to impact upon the setting of the heritage asset (i.e. no7 King Street), giving rise to less than substantial harm for which no justification has been provided. Accordingly, the application of policies in the NPPF that protect areas or assets of particular importance are considered to provide a clear reason for refusing the development - as directed by para 11d(i) of the NPPF. The proposals fail to accord with policy EV8 of the Charnwood Local Plan 2011 - 2028 Core Strategy (adopted 9 November 2015) and policy EV8 of the emerging Charnwood Local Plan 2021-2037 (to be afforded moderate weight).

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/22/1587/2