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Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/21/2158/2

Site AddressMeynell Lodge 12 Meynell Road Quorn LE12 8BG 


  • Application NumberP/21/2158/2
  • Site AddressMeynell Lodge 12 Meynell Road Quorn LE12 8BG
  • Property AddressMeynell Lodge, 12 Meynell Road, Quorn, Leicestershire, LE12 8BG

Reasons 1

It is considered that the proposed development would result in less than substantial harm toward the character and appearance of the conservation area and the listed building it will be built upon. Meynell Lodge is a prominent and historically valued element of the Quorn Conservation Area, with the building containing a number of interesting, decorative features including ornamental chimney stacks and, in particular, a number of extremely interesting windows with Gothic arched glazing bars to the rear and side elevations. The front elevation also contains a number of horizontal sliding sash windows, commonly referred to as "Yorkshire" sliding sash windows, these are a rare and important type of window in the Borough. The proposed development would disrupt the form of the host dwelling, to the detriment of its appearance and value, as well as the contribution it makes to the character and appearance of the conservation area. The disproportionate proposed two storey extension would unbalance a historically significant site, which would in turn diminish the character of Meynell Road and the wider conservation area. The loss of prominent historic fabric and design, most notably the loss of two of the windows containing Gothic arched glazing beads would lead to an unacceptable impact to the appearance and value of the listed building. The harm identified is less than substantial of which is not outweighed by the public benefits. The proposal is therefore considered to neither preserve nor enhance the character and appearance of the the Grade II Listed Building and the Quorn Conservation Area as required by sections 66 and 72 of the Town and Country Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. The proposal is also contrary to policy CS14 of the Core Strategy (2015), the Quorn Conservation Area Character Appraisal and paragraph 202 of the NPPF which seek appropriate forms of development that conserve and protect heritage assets and their settings.

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/21/2158/2