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Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/20/0610/2

Site AddressSouth off Farmers Way,/Brookfield Road Rothley Leicestershire 


  • Application NumberP/20/0610/2
  • Site AddressSouth off Farmers Way,/Brookfield Road Rothley Leicestershire
  • Property AddressStreet Record, Brookfield Road, Rothley, Leicestershire

Reasons 1

The application site lies outside the limits to development of Rothley, which is identified by Policy CS1 of the Charnwood Borough Local Plan Core Strategy as being in the 'Service Centre' category of the settlement hierarchy. The proposal is not small scale, within the settlement boundary and neither has a local housing need been demonstrated. As such, the proposal is considered to be contrary to Core Strategy Policies CS1, CS11 and CS25, which seek to reflect the Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development. Furthermore, it is contrary to Policies CT/1 and ST/2 of the Adopted Borough of Charnwood Local Plan 1991-2006 and no material considerations have been advanced that warrant setting aside the provisions of the Development Plan.

Reasons 4

In the absence of a signed Planning Obligation, the proposal fails to deliver an appropriate level of affordable housing and contributions towards sustainable travel, ecology, education, libraries, civic amenity, local community facilities, health care, open space and play provision that are necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms. The proposals would be contrary to Policies CS3, CS13, CS15, CS17 and CS24 of the Charnwood Local Plan 2011-2028, Core Strategy (2015) and adopted Housing Supplementary Planning Document (2017) and Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations.

Reasons 3

The site is located within the countryside on the ridge of the Rothley Brook Valley in a highly prominent and visible location from various vantage points across the village and from the wider countryside, which includes the Charnwood Forest. The remnants of a line of trees that sit along the ridge form part of the Temple Estate leading to Rothley Park, known as Lord Macaulay's Walk. The trees along this ridge are protected by Preservation Order. The site is also located within an area of proposed local separation to be allocated within the draft local plan (2019-2036). As a result of the proposed scale, density, positioning of buildings and the natural topography of the site, the proposed development would significantly break the skyline as seen from various locations on approach to and within the village. The proposal would result in unacceptable landscape harm on account of its visual impact. The application is therefore contrary to policy CS11 of the Core Strategy and CT/2 of the saved Local Plan which seek to protect landscape character, maintain separate identities of settlements and the character and appearance of the countryside.

Reasons 2

The proposed development is closest to the Town Green part of the conservation area. It is surrounded by some of the oldest buildings in the village and is likely to have been the original principal space for public activity. The proposed development is in close proximity to Town Green and will be visible from this historically important space. The form of modern housing and formal layout of the proposed development will be at odds with the Green's rural medieval character and its surrounding timber framed buildings, as such it will significantly impact on the heritage significance of this part of the conservation area and the setting of the listed buildings that frame it. Furthermore, Rothley Brook and its associated meadow lands make a significant contribution to the setting of the village. They create a calm rural quality to the landscape and they create opportunities for views of the village from outside and vistas across the valley from within the village. Development on the rising land to the south and west of the site will significantly impact of views across the valley from within the village, as identified in the Conservation Area Character Appraisal. The proposed development would impact on the contribution these views/vistas make to the heritage significance of the setting of the conservation area. The proposal would also erode the significant heritage value of Lord Macaulay's Walk, a non-designated heritage asset which forms part of the setting to the Grade I Listed Rothley Court. The proposal is therefore considered to neither preserve nor enhance the character and appearance of the Rothley conservation area or the setting of Listed buildings as required by sections 72 and 66 of the Town and Country Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. The proposal is also contrary to policy CS14 of the Core Strategy (2015 and the Rothley Conservation Area Character Appraisal which seek appropriate forms of development that conserve and protect he

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/20/0610/2