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Planning Services
Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/20/0202/2

Site Addressland rear of 78 Wanlip Road Syston LE7 1PB 


  • Application NumberP/20/0202/2
  • Site Addressland rear of 78 Wanlip Road Syston LE7 1PB
  • Property Address78 Wanlip Road, Syston, Leicestershire, LE7 1PB

Reasons 1

Existing dwellings in the street vary in type, appearance and age but are set towards the front of their plots with mature or semi-mature gardens to their rear which provide privacy and tranquillity to existing occupiers. The character of these rear areas is generally verdant and tranquil. The proposed development would, if approved, constitute an undesirable form of backland development which would be detrimental to and at variance with this character. The local planning authority is also of the opinion that the design, orientation, height and position of the dwelling are also such that scheme would have an overbearing relationship with existing neighbouring occupiers and would result in significant losses of privacy and light to the detriment of their amenities. The proposal would therefore conflict with Policy CS2 of the Charnwood Local Plan (2011-2028) Core Strategy and Policy EV/1 of the Borough of Charnwood Local Plan and the relevant provisions of adopted Supplementary Document 'Design' (2020) which all seek to secure high standards of good design whilst preserving the amenities of existing occupiers.

Reasons 2

In the absence of the necessary sequential test, the local planning authority considers that there are reasonably available sites, within or on the edge of Syston, that could accommodate the proposed scale of development on land which is identified as being within Flood Risk Zone 1, such that there are other sites which can be developed which are sequentially preferable. The proposal would thereby be contrary to guidance within the National Planning Policy Frameworkand the accompanying Practice Guidance which requires new development to be steered towards locations that are at the lowest level of flood risk.

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/20/0202/2