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Planning Services
Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/20/0200/2

Site Address59 Ashleigh Drive Loughborough LE11 3HN 


  • Application NumberP/20/0200/2
  • Site Address59 Ashleigh Drive Loughborough LE11 3HN
  • Property Address59 Ashleigh Drive, Loughborough, Leicestershire

Reasons 1

The application site is located in an area which already contains a high proportion of houses in multiple occupation, often but not exclusively occupied by students. The local planning authority is of the opinion that the proposed use is likely to increase the potential for further noise and disturbance and anti-social behaviour. It would also increase the already high concentration of houses in multiple occupation in this area, many of which will be occupied by students transitorily, leading to a further fragmentation and unbalancing of the local permanent community to the further detriment of the general amenities of the local area. The proposal would, therefore be contrary to the intentions of the National Planning Policy Framework, Polices CS2 and CS4 of the Charnwood Local Plan 2011-2028, saved policy EV/1 of the Borough of Charnwood Local Plan and the guidance in the adopted Housing Supplementary Planning Document (2017).

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/20/0200/2