Planning Explorer


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Planning Services
Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/20/0118/2

Site AddressWyevale Garden Centre Loughborough Road Rothley LE7 7NL 


  • Application NumberP/20/0118/2
  • Site AddressWyevale Garden Centre Loughborough Road Rothley LE7 7NL
  • Property AddressDobbies, Loughborough Road, Rothley, Leicestershire, LE7 7NL

Reasons 1

It is established planning policy, at both national and local level, that new development should be permitted outside established settlements in exceptional circumstances only. These circumstances normally relate to an agricultural need. The application site is located in the countryside and there are no exceptional circumstances which justify over-riding the normal planning policies. The proposed development would conflict with the relevant provisions of the National Planning Policy Frameork, Policy CS11 of the Charnwood Local Plan (2011-2028) Core Strategy and Policies CT/1 and CT/2 of the Borough of Charnwood Local Plan which promote sustainable development and seek to protect the rural character and appearance of the countryside. The proposal, if permitted, could lead to further proliferation of the town centre uses at the site, which could be damaging to Service Centres and cause unwarranted visual harm to the character and appearance of the countryside and it is considered that the economic benefits of the scheme would not outweigh this harm.

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/20/0118/2