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Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/18/2321/2

Site Address16 Windmill Rise Woodhouse Eaves Leicestershire LE12 8SG 


  • Application NumberP/18/2321/2
  • Site Address16 Windmill Rise Woodhouse Eaves Leicestershire LE12 8SG
  • Property Address16 Windmill Rise, Woodhouse Eaves, Leicestershire, LE12 8SG

Reasons 1

It is the opinion of the local planning authority that the proposed design and scale of the three storey dwellings, on elevated and rising land and adjacent to predominantly single and two storey dwellings, would be out of scale and character with those properties and would appear as incongruous and overdominant features in the local area. In addition, the design of the dwellings and their distance from existing neighbouring properties, and No. 14 Windmill Rise in particular, would have an overbearing impact and cause detriment to existing residential amenities. The scheme would therefore be contrary to Policies CS2 of the Charnwood Local Plan (2011-2028) Core Strategy and Policy EV/1 of the Borough of Charnwood Local Plan, the Woodhouse Eaves Village Design Statement and the Borough Council's adopted Supplementary Planning Document, Leading in Design (2006).

Reasons 2

The applicant has failed to demonstrate that there would be no loss of biodiversity as a result of the development. Notwithstanding the submission of an Arboricultural Survey and Impact Assessment and an ecological appraisal, the local planning authority considers there are features within the site of significant biodiversity value for which inadequate mitigation has been proposed and the development therefore fails to accord with Policies CS13 and CS25 of the Charnwood Local Plan (2011-2028) Core Strategy.

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/18/2321/2