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Planning Services
Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/18/0313/2

Site Address2 Gardner Close LOUGHBOROUGH LE11 5YB 


  • Application NumberP/18/0313/2
  • Site Address2 Gardner Close LOUGHBOROUGH LE11 5YB
  • Property Address2 Gardner Close, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 5YB

Reasons 1

It is the opinion of the local planning authority that the proposed two storey extension, by reason of its height, depth and close proximity to the outside amenity space and rear walls of No 97 Braddon Road which contain habitable room windows, would have an unacceptable impact on this dwelling through loss of light, aspect and dominance, to the detriment of residential amenity. The proposal would, therefore, be contrary to Policy CS2 of the Charnwood Local Plan 2011-2028 Core Strategy, saved Policies EV/1 and H/17 of the Borough of Charnwood Local Plan (2004) and the Council's adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance on House Extensions (2001) and Supplementary Planning Document in Design (2006) and the National Planning Policy Framework.

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/18/0313/2