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Planning Services
Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/17/0988/2

Site AddressRose Farm 46 Green Lane Seagrave Leicestershire LE12 7LU 


  • Application NumberP/17/0988/2
  • Site AddressRose Farm 46 Green Lane Seagrave Leicestershire LE12 7LU
  • Property AddressRose Farm, 46 Green Lane, Seagrave, Leicestershire, LE12 7LU

Reasons 2

The proposed outdoor terrace would be in close proximity to numbers 48 and 50 Green Lane and habitable room windows serving these properties. In this respect it would lead to a material loss of amenity due to loss of privacy and increased noise and disturbance. This would be contrary to criteria vii) of policy EV/1, iii) of H/17 and bullet point 2 of CS2

Reasons 1

The rendering of the visible side and front elevations, the replacement of the front elevation sash windows with double doors and the installation of the balustrading to a prominent front elevation are considered to be inappropriate alterations that will significantly impact on the original style of the Victorian brick farmhouse. In this respect they will result in a visually incongruous building in a prominent corner location which would be harmful to the character of the conservation area and to the character of the area in general. This would conflict with the development plan and specifically with criteria i) and ii) of H/17; bullets 1 and 3 of CS2; criterion ii) and iii) of EV/1 and policy CS14. Additionally it is considered that the proposal would result in less than substantial harm to heritage assets that is not outweighed by public benefit leading to further conflicting with the Framework and in particular with paragraph 134.

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/17/0988/2