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Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/17/0590/2

Site Address46 Wanlip Road Syston Leicestershire LE7 1PA 


  • Application NumberP/17/0590/2
  • Site Address46 Wanlip Road Syston Leicestershire LE7 1PA
  • Property Address46 Wanlip Road, Syston, Leicestershire, LE7 1PA

Reasons 1

The proposal lacks adequate off-street parking provision and turning faclities to cater for the volume of parking demand likely to be generated by an unrestricted 10 bedroomed house in multiple occupancy, and would thereby lead to additional parking on Wanlip Road to the detriment of highway safety and residential amenity. The submission also fails to provide adequate cycle parking facilities. The proposal would thereby be contrary to Policies CS2 and CS4 of the Charnwood 2011-2028 Core Strategy and TR/18 of the Borough of Charnwood Local Plan.

Reasons 2

The proposal would result in an intensification of the use of the existing shared access onto Wanlip Road, which is less than 50 metres from the roundabout junction of Wanlip Road and Fosse Way. The existing access fails to provide adequate visibility splays, resulting in drivers having restricted vision when leaving the access. The width of the access is also insufficient, resulting in only one vehicle being able to use the access at a time. The lack of adequate turning facilities within the site would increase the likelihood of vehicles having to reverse out of the site onto the highway. The intensification in the use of an inappropriate access, parking and turning facilities close to a roundabout is undesirable in highway safety terms, and the proposal would thereby be detrimental to highway safety. Furthermore, the intensification in the use of the access and associated vehicle movements within the site is likely to give rise to an unacceptable level of noise and disturbance to the occupiers of No.44 Wanlip Road, which is in close proximity to the site, which would be detrimental to neighbouring amenity. Policies CS2 and CS4 of the Charnwood 2011-2028 Core Strategy and TR/18 of the Borough of Charnwood Local Plan seeks to maintain the safe use of the road system, particularly within residential areas, and to ensure developments are not detrimental to neighbouring amenity. Therefore, it is the opinion of the local planning authority that the proposal would be contrary to the provisions of the adopted Development Plan.

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/17/0590/2