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Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/15/0902/2

Site Address170 Colby Drive Thurmaston Leicestershire LE4 8LB 


  • Application NumberP/15/0902/2
  • Site Address170 Colby Drive Thurmaston Leicestershire LE4 8LB
  • Property Address170 Colby Drive, Thurmaston, Leicestershire, LE4 8LB

Reasons 2

No detailed information has been provided with regard to habitats and protected species within the site, the location and retention/removal of trees and hedges or with regard to noise levels and mitigation measures with regard to the adjacent railway line. Whilst it is acknowledged that this is an outline application there is no assurance at this stage that the site could be developed without harm to these important interests.

Reasons 1

Whilst it is acknowledged that the Council is not currently able to demonstrate the availability of a 5 year supply of housing land and that the development is within a sustainable location, the cumulative adverse impacts of the development are considered to outweigh the benefits of the additional housing. As a result the development is not considered to be a sustainable one. The cumulative adverse impact of the proposal is considered to be significant and demonstrable and comprises the following individual elements: - The construction of the new access and the part demolition of 170 Colby Drive would give rise to a poor quality streetscene. The part removal of the dwelling would unbalance the pair of semidetached dwellings and the road itself would be a harsh urbanising feature drawing the eye to the part demolished dwelling. Any screen walling and bin storage needed would add to the visual harm that this poor streetscene would give rise to. - The new access road would pass within 5m of main habitable room windows to both 170 and 172 Colby drive and within 2m of the side elevation of 170. This would give rise to noise and other forms of disturbance from vehicles and pedestrians using the access. This would be harmful to the residential amenity of these properties. - The illustrative layouts supplied give no assurance that a good quality design can be achieved without poor standards of amenity for both future residents and existing residents of 172 and 170 Colby Drive. The narrow and constrained nature of the site combined with the single point of access would be likely to result in a cramped form of development with poor quality private spaces and harm to tranquillity in existing gardens. - The site has poor permeability with the surrounding area. There is only one means of accessing the dwellings which is via a long private driveway and opportunities to provide pedestrian and cycle links to other area have not been included. - There are inadequate tu

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/15/0902/2