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Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/13/2349/2

Site Address43 Fosse Way Syston Leicestershire LE7 1NF 


  • Application NumberP/13/2349/2
  • Site Address43 Fosse Way Syston Leicestershire LE7 1NF
  • Property Address43 Fosse Way, Syston, Leicestershire, LE7 1NF

Reasons 1

The proposed extensions would more than double the size of the existing property and, as a result, would fill a large proportion of this corner plot with development and span the entire width of the plot's frontage to Fosse Way. It is considered that this would lead to a cramped and dominant form of development, in this visible corner location, which would be out of keeping with the more modest scale and massing of adjacent properties. This would be visually harmful to the character and appearance of the area and would fail to comply with criterion ii) of saved policy H/17 of the Borough of Charnwood Local Plan, the Councils Adopted Supplementray Planning Guidance relating to House Extensions and the advice in the National Planning Policy Framework regarding design and local character.

Reasons 3

The proposal would result in rear facing first floor windows and a balcony within approximately 8 - 10m of the boundary to the small rear garden to 1 Roman Way. This would give rise to material overlooking and noise and disturbance from outdoor living which would be to the detriment of the residential amenity of the occupiers of this property. For this reason the proposal would fail to comply with criterion iii) of saved policy H/17 of the Borough of Charnwood Local Plan, the Councils Adopted Supplementray Planning Guidance relating to House Extensions and the advice in the National Planning policy Framework regarding providing a good standard of amenity.

Reasons 2

The proposed extensions are not compatible with the existing dewelling in terms of scale, mass or design. They would completely dominate the existing building due to the high ridgeline, gabled roof form, height and width of the garage and fenestration pattern. The resultant building would be visually incongruous and would fail to comply with criterion i) of saved policy H/17 of the Borough of Charnwood Local Plan, the Councils Adopted Supplementray Planning Guidance relating to House Extensions and the advice in the National Planning policy Framework regarding good design.

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/13/2349/2