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Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/13/0341/2

Site AddressLand off Wood Lane Quorn Leicestershire LE12 8DB 


  • Application NumberP/13/0341/2
  • Site AddressLand off Wood Lane Quorn Leicestershire LE12 8DB
  • Property AddressQuorn Grange Hotel, 88 Wood Lane, Quorn, Leicestershire, LE12 8DB

Reasons 1

Mountsorrel Quarry is recognised as being of national importance in terms of the supply of construction aggregate in England. The proposed residential development would be situated in close proximity to the Quarry. It would therefore have the potential to sterilise existing mineral resources and constrain future operations at the Quarry which would be contrary to the intentions of the National Planning Policy Framework. This policy guidance provides a strong framework for the protection of mineral resources which is carried through into the Development Plan Policies, MCS10 and MCD8 of the Leicestershire Minerals Core Strategy and Development Control Policies DPD. Furthermore, the local planning authority is not satisfied, on the basis of the evidence submitted, that the degree of noise, dust and blasting associated with current and future operations at the quarry would not have an unacceptable impact on the amenity of occupiers of residential property on the site which would be contrary to the national and development policies referred to above, as well as saved Policies EV/1 and EV/39 of the Borough of Charnwood Local Plan.

Reasons 2

The application site is located in the countryside and within an Area of Particularly Attractive Countryside where it is the intention of the local planning authority, inter alia, to protect the essentially undeveloped rural character of the landscape and natural features and landform. The spinney on the eastern side of the site makes an important contribution to the woodland fringe of Charnwood Forest which abuts the village boundary and which serves to emphasise Quorn’s rural setting as well as providing an attractive wooded entry to the village. All the trees on the site are covered by an Area Tree Preservation Order. The proposed development would result in the breaching and re-alignment of the granite stone wall and the clearing the woodland with the loss of numerous protected woodland trees as well as individual trees within the parkland to the western side of the site. This, together with the views that would be afforded into the site towards the residential development beyond the spinney would result in unwarranted and intrusive form of development which would be damaging to the character and appearance of the rural landscape. For these reasons, the proposal would be contrary to the provisions of saved Policies ST/1, CT/1, CT/7, H/16 and EV/1 of the adopted Borough of Charnwood Local Plan which are reflected by the guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework, principally, but not exclusively, set out in Paragraphs 7, 14 and 17. The development would also conflict with the guidance in the adopted Village Design Statement and the Supplementary Planning Document ‘Leading in Design’. The local planning authority is of the opinion that the adverse impact on the character of the landscape and trees would outweigh the modest housing supply benefit.

Reasons 3

The site is designated as a Local Wildlife Site. It is adjacent to Rowhele Wood, another Local Wildlife Site, approximately 50 metres from an Ancient Woodland and 60 metres from Buddon Wood and Swithland Reservoir SSSI. The proposed development would result in the direct loss of part of a Local Wildlife Site and, on the basis of evidence submitted, the local planning authority is not satisfied that the development would not have a damaging impact on the fauna and flora in the locality which includes protected species, species of principal importance and priority species listed in the local Biodiversity Action Plan, the nearby Local Wildlife Site, ancient woodland and SSSI. Moreover, it has not been demonstrated through the Biodiversity Enhancement Plan that its proposals would deliver satisfactory biodiversity enhancement to compensate for the loss of habitats which are likely to occur as a result of the development. The proposal would, therefore, conflict with the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework (Paragraphs 109 and 118) as it relates to the conserving and enhancing the natural environment and saved Policy EV/22 in that it is not considered that the potentially damaging impact on the biodiversity of the area is outweighed by the modest housing supply benefit.

Reasons 4

The local planning authority is concerned that the Design and Access Statement submitted with the application indicates a development that pays too little regard to its sensitive rural location showing, as it does, a development of suburban layout, dominated by car parking provision and unsatisfactory relationships between trees and buildings which is likely to result in the loss of tree cover and the overall parkland character of the area. Moreover the footpath which is proposed along the northern boundary of the site has the potential to create an unsafe and insecure environment for existing residents adjoining the site. As such the development would be contrary to the intentions of saved Policies ST/1, EV/1, EV/17, H/16, CT/7 and the guidance in National Planning Policy Framework on design generally, particularly but not exclusively in paragraph 64. The development would also conflict with the guidance in the adopted Village Design Statement.

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/13/0341/2