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Planning Services
Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/13/0041/2

Site AddressLand to the rear of 54 Cemetery Road Sileby Leicestershire LE12 7PH 


  • Application NumberP/13/0041/2
  • Site AddressLand to the rear of 54 Cemetery Road Sileby Leicestershire LE12 7PH
  • Property Address54 Cemetery Road, Sileby, Leicestershire, LE12 7PH

Reasons 1

The proposed houses would directly adjoin the side boundary to the garden of 58 Cemetery Road and would result in a significant massing of building close to this boundary and extending for 13m close to and along this boundary. This would have a dominat and overbearing impact on the narrow garden of this property which would be contrary to criterion (ii) of saved policy H/16 of the Borough of Charnwood Local Plan and paragraphs 17 and 58 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

Reasons 2

The proposed development would introduce a 1.5 storey residential building into a largely open area of ancillary parking and garaging. It is considered that this would not relate well to the character of the surrounding area in tertms of settlement form or function. The proposal is contrary to criterion (i) of saved policy H/16 of the Borough of Charnwood Local Plan and paragraph 61 of the National Planning policy Framework.

Reasons 3

The proposed properties would be located within a well used area of parking and garages and would be orientated so that the small gardens would directly adjoin the trackway which provides access to much of this area. This would lead to unaccaptable levals of noise and disturbance. Coupled with this the small garden to the left hand dwelling would be north east facing giving rise to low levels of natural light. Both these issues would be contrary to criterion (ii) of saved policy H/16 of the Borough of Charnwood Local Plan and to paragraphs 17 and 58 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

Reasons 4

The proposed development would lead to an increase in the frequency that the access is used and also to a wider range of vehicles making use of it. It is considered that this would cause noise and disturbance to 54 cemetery Road in particular which has an open rear garden and windows in close proximity to the access. this would be contrary to criterion (ii) of saved policy H/16 of the Borough of Charnwood Local Plan and paragraphs 17 and 58 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

Reasons 5

The proposed new houses would have main habitable room windows within their front elevations which would be within 27m of the rear elevations of properties on Avenue Road. Due to the difference in levels between the proposed houses and Avenue Road this would give rise to overlooking and a material loss of privacy. This would be contrary to paragraph 17 of The National Planning Policy Framework, criterion (ii) of saved Plan Policy H/16 and the advice relating to privacy within Supplementary Planning Document "Leading in Design".

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/13/0041/2