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Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/12/2269/2

Site Address1110 Melton Road Syston Leicestershire LE7 2HA 


  • Application NumberP/12/2269/2
  • Site Address1110 Melton Road Syston Leicestershire LE7 2HA
  • Property Address1110 Melton Road, Syston, Leicestershire, LE7 2HA

Reasons 2

The acoustic information submitted with the application does not adequately demonstrate that the there will be no adverse impact from the installation of these units on the surrounding residential properties. An assessment is required to examine noise levels generated by the units and specify, if appropriate, noise reduction measures to achieve a predictive level of 5dB below the measured background (L90) level at any adjacent dwelling. Without this information the Council is unable to assess if the proposal would result in unacceptable noise pollution which would be contrary to policy EV/39 of the adopted Borough of Charnwood Local Plan, which seeks to ensure measures to overcome potential pollution problems are proposed and implemented.

Reasons 1

It is considered that, by reason of the prominent siting, design and appearance of the units on the frontage to St Peters Street the units would appear out of character and incompatible with the appearance of the surrounding area and, thereby, incongruous in the street scene. For this reason the proposal is contrary to the provisions Policy EV/1 of the adopted Borough of Charnwood Local Plan, which seeks to ensure development i) respects and enhances the local environment ii) is of a design, layout, scale and mass compatible with the locality and any neighbouring buildings and spaces. iv) provides positive and attractive built frontages to existing roads

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/12/2269/2