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Planning Services
Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/12/0458/2

Site AddressLand to the east of Rearsby Village Hall Melton Road Rearsby Leicestershire LE7 4YS 


  • Application NumberP/12/0458/2
  • Site AddressLand to the east of Rearsby Village Hall Melton Road Rearsby Leicestershire LE7 4YS
  • Property AddressRearsby Village Hall, 1851 Melton Road, Rearsby, Leicestershire, LE7 4YS

Reasons 1

The application site is located in the Countryside and would be contrary to development plan policies in the Borough of Charnwood Local Plan (2004) - ST/1, ST/2, and CT/1, which indicate that this type of development should be strictly controlled in countryside locations. It is acknowledged that the Council does not have a five year supply of housing land and that in the context of the National Planning Policy Framework there is a presumption in favour of sustainable development. It is considered that in compliance with paragraph 14 of the NPPF, the proposed development would significantly and demonstrably fail to protect the character and appearance of the countryside which is particularly valued by local residents, and which been a long standing objective of the local planning authority. It is therefore considered that the adverse environmental impact of the development would outweigh the benefit afforded by the relatively modest contribution to the supply of housing land that the development would represent.

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/12/0458/2