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Charnwood Borough Council
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LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/10/2259/2

Site AddressWymeswold Airfield Prestwold Lane Hoton Leicestershire LE12 5SN 


  • Application NumberP/10/2259/2
  • Site AddressWymeswold Airfield Prestwold Lane Hoton Leicestershire LE12 5SN
  • Property AddressWoodside Cottage, Prestwold Lane, Prestwold, Leicestershire, LE12 5SH

Reasons 1

The local planning authority is of the opinion that, on the basis of the evidence placed before it, the benefits of the proposed new bund and bund alterations, in terms of additional attenuation of noise from the motoring activities on the airfield that would otherwise affect the amenities of nearby settlements, do not outweigh the considerable harm that would be caused to the local landscape and to the ecology of the local area. The harm would be through the loss of some 0.65 hectares of woodland and other trees and the extension of the solid, largely uniformed height of mounding set on a local ridgeline, as viewed from the south, and also along the public footpath that is located to the west and south of the site. The bund, seen in conjunction with the existing bund for which there were noise attenuation benefits, would be an alien feature in the landscape and one which, on the evidence of the planting associated with the existing bund, would remain, as such, for a considerable and unwarranted period. The woodland provides a habitat for nesting birds and acts as part of the local bio-diversity network which would not be compensated for by the additional planting proposed. The bund, as it is portrayed in the submitted information, appears to be designed to maximise the scope for accommodating tipped material beyond that which is necessary for the noise attenuation properties claimed for it. This adds to the judgement that the use of the land for tipping material is unwarranted. The unwarranted nature of the proposal means that it is contrary to the intentions of saved policies ST/1, CT/1 and CT/2 of the adopted Borough of Charnwood Local Plan. Its impact on the wildlife of the area would be contrary to the intentions of policy CT/23 of the Plan.

Reasons 3

By necessity, the proposal would require the importation of significant volumes of inert materials without any apparent overriding justification, in conflict with the intentions of Policy WCs8 of the Leicestershire and Leicester Waste Development Framework (adopted Core Strategy and Development Control Policies). It would result in the diversion of waste materials away from existing waste disposal sites, to the detriment of their final restoration.

Reasons 2

The construction of the bund, for which there is limited justification in acoustic terms, would generate a considerable amount of addition HGV traffic on the local road network, which would be detrimental to the general amenities of the area and contrary to the interests of highway safety, insofar as it would require the use of the access from the site to Wymeswold Lane, whose junction with Melton Road, Burton on the Wolds lacks the necessary visibility to allow safe turning of goods vehicles at the road junction. As such, the proposal would be contrary to the intentions of saved policy TR/6 of the Borough of Charnwood Local Plan.

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/10/2259/2