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Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/10/1303/2

Site AddressRoundabout at the Junction of Syston Western Bypass Newark Road Melton Road and Barkby Thorpe Lane, Thurmaston, 


  • Application NumberP/10/1303/2
  • Site AddressRoundabout at the Junction of Syston Western Bypass Newark Road Melton Road and Barkby Thorpe Lane, Thurmaston,
  • Property AddressStreet Record, Thurmaston, Leicestershire

Reasons 2

The signs, by reason of their siting, number and the information displayed, are likely to cause a distraction to highway users approaching and using the roundabout, to the detriment of highway safety and contrary to the advice set out within Planning Policy Guidance Note 19 and Circular 03/2007, Appendix B.

Reasons 3

Furthermore, if permitted, the proposal would set an undesirable precedent in that it would make it difficult to resist similar applications for other unnecessary signage remote from the premises to which they relate, thus raising the level of advertising with the highway to an unacceptable level, giving rise to advertisement clutter, to the detriment of visual amenity and highway safety. This too would be contrary to the advice contained in Planning Policy Guidance Note 19 and Circular 03/2007.

Reasons 1

The signs, by reason of their design, location and number, would appear unduly conspicuous and incongruous and result in a clutter of signage in the street scene to the detriment of visual amenity. The proposal is, therefore, contrary to the advice contained within PPG19: Outdoor Advertisement Control.

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/10/1303/2