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Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/09/2009/2

Site Address48/50 Green Lane, Seagrave, Loughborough, Leicestershire. LE12 7LU 


  • Application NumberP/09/2009/2
  • Site Address48/50 Green Lane, Seagrave, Loughborough, Leicestershire. LE12 7LU
  • Property AddressRose Farm, 46 Green Lane, Seagrave, Leicestershire, LE12 7LU

Reasons 1

The dwellings are sited within the designated Seagrave Conservation Area. Planning Policy Guidance 15: Planning and the Historic Environment advises that development within conservation areas is required to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of such areas.The local planning authority considers that the design, height and location the 2m timber boundary fence to "House 3", is incongruous and damaging to the character and appearance of this part of the conservation area. This harm is made worse by the elevated siting of the fence which has resulted from raising the level of the land in this area. The proposal is, therefore, contrary to national policy expressed in Planning Policy Guidance 15 (para 2.12) and saved Policies H/17 (i) (ii) and EV/1 of the Borough of Charnwood Local Plan (adopted 12th January 2004).

Reasons 2

The site falls within an open space of special character as defined by policy EV/18 of the Borough of Charnwood Local Plan. Within these areas, development which would result in the loss of open land contributing to the character of the settlement is precluded. It is considered that the construction of a 2m high close boarded fence in this location is visually damaging and leads to the loss of the character of the this open area contrary to policy EV/18.

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/09/2009/2