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Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/07/2910/2

Site AddressThe Old Manor House, 5 Loughborough Road, Walton on the Wolds, Leicestershire, LE12 8HT 


  • Application NumberP/07/2910/2
  • Site AddressThe Old Manor House, 5 Loughborough Road, Walton on the Wolds, Leicestershire, LE12 8HT
  • Property AddressThe Old Manor House, 5 Loughborough Road, Walton On The Wolds, Leicestershire, LE12 8HT

Reasons 1

The local planning authority is of the opinion that, due to its form, footprint and design, the extension would be detrimental to the character, appearance and setting of the Grade II listed building. The extended shallow pitched roof, the lead-lined insets in the roof, to accommodate the first floor windows, and the outward projection to the rear, adjacent to the main rear gable, would not reflect the simple, modest two-storey form and proportions of the existing building. It would detract from the pre-eminence of the main half-timbered gable and obscure a section of the external timber framing. This would adversely affect the setting of the building and detract from its architectural and historic qualities. As such, it would be contrary to the intentions of saved Policies H/17 and EV/1 of the adopted Borough of Charnwood Local Plan, Environment Policy 1 of the Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Structure Plan and to the national policy guidance set out in PPG15 (Planning and the Historic Environment), which seek to ensure that extensions to dwellings are compatible, in terms of scale, mass, design and materials, with the original dwelling and that the character and settings of buildings of architectural and historic interest are preserved.

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/07/2910/2