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Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/06/3056/2

Site Address43 Fosse Way, Syston, Leicestershire, LE7 1NF 


  • Application NumberP/06/3056/2
  • Site Address43 Fosse Way, Syston, Leicestershire, LE7 1NF
  • Property Address43 Fosse Way, Syston, Leicestershire, LE7 1NF

Reasons 1

43 Fosse Way is already a large dwelling prominently located in the street scene. Having regard to the scale and appearance of nearby dwellings, it is the opinion of the local planning authority that the addition of a two-storey side/rear extension of considerable depth and gabled in form would result in a building that would appear over-dominant in relation to surrounding properties and out of keeping with the character of the locality. The proposed sectional garage, by reason of its scale, design and potential materials would also be alien to the style and character of nearby buildings, to the detriment of the appearance of the street scene. By reason of its close proximity to the boundary with 1 Roman Way, the rear first-floor bedroom window of the extension would directly overlook the main amenity space of that dwelling, causing loss of privacy and consequent detriment to the residential amenities of the occupiers of that property. The boundaries in the locality are characterised by hedges, low brick walls and fences. The proposed brick wall with metal grill, rising to 2 metres in height, would further dominate the street scene in a prominent location, to the detriment of the visual amenity of the area. For these reasons, the proposal would be contrary to the intentions of Policies EV/1 and H/17 of the adopted Borough of Charnwood Local Plan. These seek to ensure a high standard of design which respects and enhances of the local environment, that extensions to dwellings are compatible in scale and design with the original dwelling and that they are not detrimental in terms of overshadowing or overdominance of adjacent property. In these terms, the proposal is also in conflict with the advice given on the location of extensions in the Borough Council's adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance on House Extensions.

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/06/3056/2