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Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/04/2717/2

Site AddressLand off Wysall Lane, Wymeswold. 


  • Application NumberP/04/2717/2
  • Site AddressLand off Wysall Lane, Wymeswold.
  • Property Address

Reasons 1

The local planning authority is of the opinion that the proposed zebra crossing would be likely to be detrimental to highway safety because it would not comply with the requirements of Local Transport Note 2/95 (Design of Pedestrian Crossings) in that the visibility at the crossing in the west-bound direction would be less than the absolute minimum requirement of 65 metres. The crossing would encourage pedestrian crossing at a point where the view available to westbound traffic of persons crossing the A6006 from south to north, and vice-versa, is below standard. This would be likely to result in danger for pedestrians and unpredictable actions by drivers in an emergency situation, at a point where highway conditions are already difficult, which would be hazardous for all road users. The prospect of pedestrians crossing at other points perceived to be safer, because of greater visibility, but outside the defined track of the crossing, would be to further confuse the situation for drivers and pedestrians and lead to unsafe conditions on the highway. This would be contrary to the intentions of Accessibility and Transport Policy 1 of the Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Structure plan (1996 - 2016) and Policy TR/5 adopted Borough of Charnwood Local Plan.

Reasons 2

The local planning authority takes the view that the situation would be exacerbated by the likely infrequent use that would be made of the crossing which would be well below that generally used by the County Highway Authority in assessing the merits or need for a controlled crossing This would lead to a use regime that would not establish and reinforce a need for due care and vigilance by drivers due to their very limited experience of the need to stop to allow pedestrians to cross. This would be contrary to the intentions of Accessibility and Transport Policy 1 of the Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Structure plan (1996 - 2016) and Policy TR/5 adopted Borough of Charnwood Local Plan.

Reasons 3

The local planning authority considers that, in the light of its conclusions in 1 and 2 above, the works to establish the crossing in accordance with technical design requirements would be likely to cause an unwarranted detriment to the visual and residential amenities of the area by virtue of the carriageway re-surfacing, white lining, studs and traffic signs and the placing of the flashing beacon on the north side of the crossing close to 51 Far Street, where it would dominate the front elevation of the dwelling and be intrusive in terms of its operation. As such, the crossing works would be harmful to the character and appearance of the designated conservation area and contrary to the intentions of Policies EV/10 and EV/39 of the adopted Borough of Charnwood Local Plan. Having established these points in opposition to the proposed zebra crossing, the local planning authority confirms that the proposed development is also unacceptable for the following reasons:

Reasons 4

The local planning authority is of the opinion that the additional vehicular and pedestrian traffic that would be generated by the development at the junction of Wysall Lane and the A6006/Far Street/East Road would, notwithstanding the proposals for the improvement of the junction put forward on Plan No.P296/400D, create seriously unsafe conditions for users of the public highway. The restricted visibility for drivers of vehicles exiting from the junction from Wysall Lane would be likely to result in vehicle movements carried out in haste that would be dangerously disruptive to the heavy flow of traffic on the A6006, at a point where that flow is already constricted by narrow carriageways, and therefore only negotiated with maximum attention by drivers, particularly those of heavy goods vehicles, that use the A6006.

Reasons 5

The authority considers that neither the present facilities for pedestrian movement from the site, nor those indicated on plan no P/296/400D, would secure safe or comfortable movement for pedestrians at the junction of Wysall Lane and the A6006, nor would they provide for safe access for pedestrians to a range of social and community facilities in the village, especially the local primary school, because of the nature of traffic flow at the junction, including its intimidating character, and the lack of safe crossing provision on the A6006, which divides the village facilities from the application site.

Reasons 6

The planning authority is concerned that the conditions for pedestrians on the local road network would be likely to result in the isolation of that part of the village community that would reside in the development and would result in many local trips by residents of the development to locations within the village being undertaken by motor vehicle, thereby creating movements that would cause additional dangers, both at the Wysall Lane/A6006 junction and through the additional on-street parking that would be caused in the vicinity of local facilities.

Reasons 7

For these reasons the development would be in conflict with the guidance set out principally in paragraphs 4, 6, 13 and 75 - 77 of PPG13, with its cross references to PPG3, which promote accessibility between the home, shops and local facilities by walking and cycling, including the creation of safe and secure walking routes to promote walking as a prime means of access. The development would be contrary to the provisions of Transport Policy 4 of the adopted Structure Plan for Leicestershire 1991 - 2006 in that it would generate traffic that would impair the safety and the satisfactory operation of the highway system, particularly at the major road junction. It would be contrary to Transport Policy 9 in that it would not provide adequate and safe pedestrian facilities in association with the development. The development would also be contrary to the provisions of criteria (iii) and (v) of Policy TR/5 of the adopted Borough of Charnwood Local Plan, in that it would not ensure the needs of pedestrians are met in a way that links the site with the established footpath network in the village in a pedestrian friendly way, provide safe road crossings where needed, or make adequate provision for highway design and layout.

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/04/2717/2