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Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/02/3438/2

Site AddressPavilions Lake, Watermead Country Park, Wanlip Road, Syston 


  • Application NumberP/02/3438/2
  • Site AddressPavilions Lake, Watermead Country Park, Wanlip Road, Syston
  • Property Address

Reasons 1

Environment Policy 7 of the approved Leicestershire Structure Plan, the development plan, indicates that measures should be taken to protect and conserve sites of ecological significance and that consideration will be given to the creation of new ecological sites as a part of new developments. Policy EV/29 of the Deposit Draft Borough of Charnwood Local Plan incorporates similar advice. Policy RT/14 of the Deposit Draft Local Plan indicates that, within Watermead Country Park, measures will be taken to avoid adverse impact upon wildlife habitats. The proposed replacement grassed area and tree belt would provide limited nature conservation interest. The development, if permitted, would result in the loss of a potentially much more important wildlife habitat and would be harmful to the ecology of the area. The proposal is at odds with the policies of both the development plan and the emerging development plan and would conflict with their objectives.

Reasons 2

The application site and the adjoining land forms an area indicated as Green Wedge land on the Proposals Map forming part of the Deposit Draft Borough of Charnwood Local Plan. The application site and the adjoining land are also located within the Watermead Country Park as indicated on the proposals map which forms part of the Deposit Draft Local Plan. Environment Policy 3 of the approved Leicestershire Structure Plan states that the open and undeveloped character of Green Wedge land will be protected and wherever possible improved. Policy CT/14 of the approved Soar Valley Local Plan indicates that positive landscape improvements will be pursued to harmonise new development including roads into the countryside. Policies ST/1, CT/3 and EV/25 of the Deposit Draft Borough of Charnwood Local Plan incorporate similar advice and require a high standard of landscape design. Policy RT/14 of the Deposit Draft Local Plan states that within Watermead Country Park development shall make a positive contribution to visual amenities. The development if permitted would confirm the loss of a natural lake and reed bed habitat and the creation of a formal area of landscaping which would appear as a visually incongruous feature, alien to its natural surroundings, but otherwise highlighting the urbanising influence of the highway works. The development would damage the open and undeveloped character of the Green Wedge and the Watermead Country Park. This would be contrary to the policies of both the development plan and the emerging plan and would conflict with their objectives.

Reasons 3

The Deposit Draft Borough of Charnwood Local Plan includes a policy which indicates that, in the floodplain areas, planning permission will not normally be granted for development likely to increase flood risk. The application site is located within the floodplain. The proposed development would reduce the flood water storage capacity of the flood plain and thereby increase the risk of flooding elsewhere. The proposal is contrary to Local Plan policy and development would conflict with its objectives. Similar advice is contained in Circular 30/92 and the draft Planning Policy Guidance Note.

Reasons 4

Environment Policy 1 of the approved Leicestershire Structure Plan, the development plan, seeks to ensure that development proposals are designed to minimise crime. Policy EV/20 of the Deposit Draft Borough of Charnwood Local Plan indicates that the design and layout of new development shall create a safer environment. Circular 5/94 "Planning Out Crime" advises that sensitive and skilled design should be capable of reconciling the need for acceptable landscaping and the need to produce safe environments, and that landscaping schemes should avoid creating hidden areas. The development, if permitted, would create an open area behind the perimeter tree planting. This sterile and featureless area would be hidden from public view and produce an environment within which the risk of crime and the perception of the risk of crime occurring would be increased. This would be contrary to the policies of both the development plan, the emerging plan and Government Guidance, and would conflict with their objectives.

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/02/3438/2