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Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/02/2721/2

Site AddressLand adj to The Bull and Mouth Public House, Leicester Road, Mountsorrel 


  • Application NumberP/02/2721/2
  • Site AddressLand adj to The Bull and Mouth Public House, Leicester Road, Mountsorrel
  • Property Address

Reasons 1

The Deposit Draft Borough of Charnwood Local Plan includes a policy, TR/8, which indicates that planning permission will not be granted for development where the impact of traffic generated will result in unsafe and unsatisfactory operation of the highway system. The proposal is contrary to this Local Plan policy and the development, if permitted, would conflict with its objectives.

Reasons 2

The covered way entrance to the the public house car park has inadequate width, radii and visibility splays to cater for additional traffic, while the proposed access to the housing to the rear has inadequate width and radii to cater for two way movements. As such, the development would create additional dangers for highway users, including pedestrians.

Reasons 3

The proposal would reduce the number of off-street parking spaces for the public house and could lead to increased on-street parking. This would be a source of danger to highway safety.

Reasons 4

The Deposit Draft Borough of Charnwood Local Plan includes a policy, EV/C, which indicates that planning permission will not be granted for housing which would be likely to suffer poor environmental amenity caused by excessive noise, disturbance, dust, smoke or other polluting effects from existing development nearby. This policy reflects advice in Planning Policy Guidance Note 23. The proposal is contrary to this Local Plan policy and the development, if permitted, would conflict with its objectives.

Reasons 5

The application site is adjoined by an exsting public house on one side, by a Working Mens' Club on another and by a sports field on another. The flats are unlikely to have a satisfactory level of amenity as a result of the noise and disturbance created by these uses and the proximity of the Club car park.

Reasons 6

The Deposit Draft Borough of Charnwood Local Plan includes a policy, EV/33, which indicates that, in areas at risk of flooding, planning permission will not normally be granted for development likely to increase flood risk. The proposal is contrary to this Local Plan policy and the development, if permitted, would conflict with its objectives. Similar advice is contained in Circular 30/92 and the Planning Policy Guidance Note 25.

Reasons 7

The application site is located within an area at risk of flooding. The proposed development may reduce the flood water storage capacity of the flood plain and thereby increase the risk of flooding elsewhere. No Flood Risk Assessment has been submitted with the application. In the absence of such an Assessment, the impact on flooding is unknown and it is inappropriate to grant planning permission.

Reasons 8

The Deposit Draft Borough of Charnwood Local Plan includes a policy, EV/42, which indicates that planning permission will not be granted for development on contaminated land unless it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Borough Council that the site is safe and there will not be significant problems associated with it. This policy reflects advice in Planning Policy Guidance Note 23. The proposal is contrary to this Local Plan policy and the development, if permitted, would conflict with its objectives.

Reasons 9

There is evidence that the site may have been used for the parking of commercial vehicles and may be contaminated. However, no survey of ground conditions has been submitted with the application and it has been impossible to determine whether development of the site would be safe.

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/02/2721/2