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Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN


Refusal Reasons Page for Planning Application - P/02/2553/2

Site AddressHumberstone Lane, Thurmaston 


  • Application NumberP/02/2553/2
  • Site AddressHumberstone Lane, Thurmaston
  • Property Address

Reasons 1

The application site and the adjoining land to the south and west forms an area indicated as a "Primarily Employment Area" on the Proposals Map forming part of the Deposit Draft Borough of Charnwood Local Plan. Policy E/8 of the Plan indicates that non-emploment development will be permitted on such sites only where there is no shortage of employment land and where at least one of six specified criteria are met. Although the available evidence does not demonstrate a current shortage of employment land, there are signs that the loss of existing employment sites to other uses, particularly housing requires very careful monitoring. The proposed development does not meet the criteria in Policy E/8.

Reasons 2

Environment Policy 1 of the approved Leicestershire Structure Plan, the development plan, indicates that housing development should be of high quality. Housing Policy 5 of the Deposit Draft Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Structure Plan 1996 - 2016 reflects the more recent policy guidance in PPG3 and indicates that new housing should incorporate good principles of design and layout which make the most economical use of land and respect the local context. Policies H/14 and EV/A of the Deposit Draft Borough of Charnwood Local Plan incorporate similar advice and require a high standard of design. The application was accompanied by a statement of design principles. However, the statement does not explain the design principles and concept nor how the design relates to its site and wider area. The layout and design of the proposed houses would not result in a satisfactory form of development. In particular, the scheme would not meet the principle set out in PPG3 that new housing should, "create places and spaces with the needs of people in mind, which are attractive, have their own distinctive identity but respect and enhance local character." The proposal would be contrary to policies of both the development plan and the emerging development plans and would conflict with the objectives of both these policies and central government advice, notably in PPG3 and its companion document 'By Design'.

Reasons 3

The Deposit Draft Borough of Charnwood Local Plan contains policies, RT/3, 4 and 5 which indicate the provision to be made in new development for play and amenity open space. The proposed development does not comply with these requirements. The development, if permitted, would result in a deficiency of such space and, as such, would create an unsatisfactory level of amenity for the new residents. The proposal is contrary to the three policies and would conflict with their objectives.

Reasons 4

Strategy Policy 12 of the Deposit Draft Structure Plan and Policy ST/3 of the Deposit Draft Borough of Charnwood Local Plan indicate that developers should contribute to the cost of infrastructure and facilities required to support development. This is in accordance with advice contained in Circular 1/97. Contributions to educational requirements and to affordable housing provision in the area have been requested, but have not been agreed. A grant of permission in the absence of such contributions would increase pressure on the local community. This would be contrary to planning policies and would conflict with their objectives.

Reasons 5

The application site is affected by road and rail traffic noise and noise from the adjacent factory. The new housing proposed would have an unacceptable level of residential amenity. The proposal is contrary to Policies H/14 and EV/C of the Deposit Draft Borough of Charnwood Local Plan and to advice contained in PPG24 and would conflict with the objectives of these policies. Although possible measures to mitigate the impact of noise have been suggested, these would provide only a partial solution and would result in a development of unacceptable design and layout.

Other Information Available for Planning Application - P/02/2553/2